Præinstalleret ASP.NET applikationer

I forbindelse med bestilling af webhotel kan vi præ-installere en række ASP.NET applikationer på dit nye webhotel. Det er muligt at få én af nedenstående applikationer installeret.

DotNetNuke CMS Portal
DotNetNuke is an open source web application framework ideal for creating, deploying and managing interactive web, intranet and extranet sites. The combination of an enterprise portal,
built-in content management system, elegant skinning engine, and the ability to display static and dynamic content makes DotNetNuke an essential tool for ASP.NET developers.
Umbraco CMS
Umbraco is an ASP.NET open-source Content Management System (CMS) written in C#. It's fast, flexible and features full .NET 2.0 integration, Web Services, extendable XSLT and with a user interface that makes it a charm to use.
BlogEngine.NET is a full-featured blogging platform that is a breeze to set up, customize, and use. BlogEngine.NET works with your choice of data source; you may use SQL Server, or you may take the plug’n’play approach using XML files.
Yet Another Forum
YetAnotherForum.NET (YAF) is a Open Source discussion forum or bulletin board system for web sites running ASP.NET. YAF is also available as a module for DotNetNuke. The application uses a MS SQL Server 2005 database as storage and has a rich feature set.
FlexWiki is an ASP.NET Wiki application and perhaps the best known application of its type for ASP.NET. It uses a file based content repository or an optional SQL Server based repository.
dasBlog is a blogging engine that offers elegant visual aesthetics, powerful easy to use features, and a unique application architecture. dasBlog requires no database engine, using file-based content management with an architecture that ensures excellent performance.
dashCommerce is an ASP.NET Open Source e-commerce application, which is very flexible, robust and incorporates all three major components of an e-commerce application: Product Catalog, Shopping Cart and Order Fulfillment.
Microsoft Personal Site Starter Kit
This Starter Kit is a a complete, ready to run, ready to customize, interactive Web site for sharing photos, posting your résumé, categorized links and more. The website includes two designs, white or black... just change the theme!
Microsoft Small Business Starter Kit
The Small Business Starter Kit provides a sample of a business promotion website suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. It provides a template for customizing and creating a site for your own business out-of-the-box, with advanced features including integration with SQL and XML data sources for content and data management.
Microsoft Club Site Starter Kit
A starting point for creating a web site for your club or organization. Includes a news posting, calendaring, member directory, and photo album systems. Create news announcements and news articles with photos or links to a photo album. Create and view Membership lists of club members. Create photo albums and share the photos from your club activities.
Microsoft Time Tracker Starter Kit
A business web application for keeping track of hours spent on a project with the ability to handle multiple resources as well as multiple projects.
Microsoft Media Library Starter Kit
The Media Share Library Starter Kit enables you to easily create an application that allows registered users to present a collection of media items (such as movie DVDs, music CDs, books, and more) for other registered users to borrow.
Microsoft My Web Pages Starter Kit
The My Web Pages Starter Kit is a small dynamic content management system (CMS). It is designed to meet the needs of computer enthusiasts who want to deploy and maintain their own website — and it is also easy to modify the look and feel or even extend the feature set.

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